兰州网站设计_杭州企业网站制作_公司网页制作_佛山企业网站制作 Design of travel company website based on springbootAbstract

Since the reform and opening up, China's tourism has developed very rapidly, but comparatively speaking, the breadth and depth of China's domestic tourism development are far from meeting the needs of economic development and the improvement of people's living standards. With the development of market economy and the further improvement of people's income level, people's demand for tourism consumption will further rise. Domestic tourism plays a more and more important role in the national economy. However, China's tourism industry still has a weak foundation, lagging management means, low degree of informatization and poor enterprise benefits. After my comprehensive consideration, I designed a Daocheng Yading tourism website, took MySQL as the main storage unit of background data, used springboot framework and B / S architecture for system coding and development, and realized all the functions of the system. The system realizes the informatization of various work processes within the tourism website, including the introduction of scenic spots on the tourism website, the publication of exchange forum, the reservation of tourism package and so on.

Key words:SSM framework; Mysql database; Tourism website







