永久网站域名_新开传奇网站发布网_广州冼村_全网推广软件 内容更新不及时、互动性不强:部分网站内容陈旧,更新不及时,无法满足用户获取最新信息的需求;同时,网站互动性不强,缺乏与师生、社会的有效沟通。






This paper first analyzes the needs of the target users. The main users of Hangzhou Hotel include business travelers, tourists and local residents. When browsing the webpage, these users expect to get the information of the hotel quickly, such as room type introduction, price, facilities, location, booking method and so on. In addition, a good user experience is crucial, which includes concise navigation, fast page loading speed, and smooth interaction experience. In the Design Principles section, this article proposes four main design principles: simplicity, responsive design, consistency, and visual hierarchy. Simple and clear design allows users to quickly find the information they need; responsive design ensures that web pages display well on different devices; consistency enhances the user experience through unified visual elements and interaction; and visual hierarchy guides the user's attention through reasonable typography and color schemes. Next, this paper describes the structure design of the web page in detail. In terms of page layout, the classic three-column layout is adopted, with the navigation bar on the left, the main content area in the center, and the auxiliary information area on the right. The navigation design focuses on simplicity and intuition, and enhances the user's experience through hover effects and drop-down menus. The content organization adopts a modular design to modularize the different information of the hotel, which is easy to maintain and update.



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