中国十大服装设计院校_163企业邮箱登陆登录入口_橙子落地页建站教程_重庆在线官网 Abstract

With the rapid development of our economy and the increasing improvement of people's living standard, people's pursuit of quality of life is varied. Especially in the rapid pace of people's life at present, people tend to stay at home to solve problems in life. At the same time, in order to solve the needs of property management, the development of property management is becoming more diversified and networked. Combined with electronic information technology, the wechat mini program of property management emerges at the right moment.

The system uses Java language, MySQL database, combined with the current popular B/S architecture, all aspects of property management are concentrated in the database, so as to facilitate the needs of users. The system can realize the design and application of multifunctional modules on the premise of ensuring the stability of the system. The system is composed of administrator function module, resident function module and staff function module. The admittance system of different roles is strictly different. The design of each function module is also convenient for future system upgrade and maintenance. The system adopts the methods of software componentization, refinement architecture, separation of logic and data.

Key words: Java technology; Property; MySQL; B/S structure









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